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Saturday, March 6, 2010


The Maze Runner (Maze Runner, #1) The Maze Runner by James Dashner

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Okay, the truth is, this was actually a 4.9999999999999999999998. I don't know where the random eight came from, but still, there are just little things that bothered me.

For example, James Dashner's overuse of semi-colons. I swear, I saw one like, every page. That just kinda bothered me. I love semi-colons, but seriously. Don't use them THAT much.


Then, there was Thomas being just too "all knowing," if you know what I mean.
"THOMAS! YOU HAVE A TELEPATHIC CONNECTION TO TERESA!" Is anyone really that smart and special? Yes, I understand that he's the main character, they're kinda supposed to be like that at times, and I know they're kinda geniuses, but still. It annoyed me. It's my opinion, but I just don't like it when authors create characters like that, like Percy from PJO, Harry from HP. They know they're flawed, but there's just that little twinge on the inside that tell me that the author just wanted them to be kind of superior.


Lastly, there was the simplicity of the writing. I love simple writing, but when it's like that, there's a deeper meaning inside. This wasn't like that. It was just, "Thomas was hungry."

Uh huh. Did I really need to know that? I'm hungry, too, but I'm not exactly writing it as my Facebook status. Okay, maybe I do, but people give me virtual food, that's why, so shut up, you people that think I'm hypocritical. *shakes fist angrily*

Now, on to the complimenting part. ;D

There was a great plot, and that you know, X-Factor that just made me want to keep reading. It's like chocolate in a recipe. You keep on eating and eating until you get fat- Okay, maybe that's not the best analogy. But you know what I mean. I see you nodding. Okay, I don't. So I'll just pretend you're nodding, whether you like it or not.

Anyways, I liked reading and seeing the characters grow closer towards each other, etc, like Newt and Thomas.

Also, the ending was excellent, really, because seriously, if I wake up at eight in the morning, on a SATURDAY, it means I'm either hungry or need to read a really good book. It was both, but I decided to read in my pajamas. Then I went to poop, but that's not the point. ANYWAYS.

I liked watching the plot unravel, and the secrets getting revealed. Well, I think that's it for this review, unless you want me to start dictating the lyrics to Make it Mine by Jason Mraz. Yeah, I don't think so.

So, I really recommend this book to anyone who likes sci-fi. It's not really a hard to understand book, even though it's considered "young adult". Unless you're one of those people that get annoyed at the smallest things, like me. Or is it like I? I think it's like I. *mutters incoherently* But seriously, read it. :3

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